Bat exclusion performed in Lake Orion MI today when a customer called after hearing consistent noises in the walls of his childrens bedroom the last couple of nights. Upon inspection evidence of bats coming into the soffits and eves along the roofline gave us good insight on where to set up our exclusion door system […]
Live Animal Trapping
Opossum removal in Flint MI from a bank owned house that is up for sale. The home inspector saw evidence of a nuisance animal getting into and living under the home in the crawl space. Drivin Me Batty LLC came in set up the necessary wildlife animal traps and caught and removed the opossum in 1
This customer in Grand Blanc MI had bats getting into the attic space from the open areas in the eves. Bats need only a very little open space to gain access into your attic and walls. Drivin Me Batty sealed all the openings on the home and set up an exclusion system to filter out
Bat was removed from a basement in Flint MI today. It was hanging on the heating duct next to the furnace and startled the homeowner on her way to the laundry room. Its very common for bats to get into basements from the attic spaces by dropping down the wall cavities. This is the time
Squirrel Removal Service in Michigan (810) 625-2485 Squirrel damage from attic in Michigan Red Squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) remove red squirrel michigan This small pine squirrel is easily identified by to its small size of 12-15 inches from nose to tail, making them slightly larger than a chipmunk. Their size might make you think that