Raccoon Removal Michigan

Raccoon control services in Michigan

Live trapping for raccoon removal


The raccoon is as comfortable in urban areas as in the deep woods. In the wild raccoons live in caves, tree hollows and ground burrows. In urban areas they are found in attics, chimney flues, culverts under roadways, or wherever they can find a safe, dry and reasonably comfortable niche. The raccoon is omnivorous and will eat just about anything including insects, frogs, fish, birds, small mammals and the leftovers discarded in your trash can! They have the reputation of “washing” their food, though it’s not certain that this act is meant to clean the food as they have been observed performing these washing motions even when water is not available.

Mating occurs in late winter. A litter of 4-5 kits are born in April or May. The males take no part in raising the young and the female will chase him from the den area if need be. The kits remain with the mother until the next summer. In severe winter climates, the raccoon will become dormant, but they do not hibernate.

Raccoon removal or raccoon trapping is a very involved process that consists of the appropriate traps, bait, location, and setting. Not only does the raccoon hide in many places within the home or business structure but they can cause an extensive amount of damage to any area that they inhabit. Attic restoration is typically needed for decontamination from raccoon feces and defication as they tear insulation apart for nesting purposes. They can cause duct work damage for your heating and cooling systems and have even been known to rip electrical wiring apart.

Call today for raccoon removal from your home, office, or business

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